Saturday 10/8 WOD

9am Community Partner Class!

  1. 12 Minute AMRAP w/ Partner:*
    12 Single Ring – Ring Rows*
    24 Wall Ball Shots (20/14, 10′)
  2. For Time w/ Partner – Any way:
    60 V-Ups
    60/48 Calorie Row

*One person will complete one full round while the other rests, switching back and forth Feet set with heels on blue matting, bottom of ring at sternum height.


  1. 12 Minute AMRAP w/ Partner:*
    12 Single Ring – Ring Rows*
    24 Wall Ball Shots (14/12, 9′)
  2. For Time w/ Partner – Any way:
    60 Bent Knee V-Ups
    60/48 Calorie Row


  1. 12 Minute AMRAP w/ Partner:*
    6 Single Ring – Ring Rows*
    12 Wall Ball Shots (20/14, 9′)
  2. For Time w/ Partner – Any way:
    40 Tuck-Ups
    48/38 Calorie Row


10am Advanced Class

  1. 14 Minute AMRAP w/ Partner: *
    BUY IN: 6 Rope Climbs 15′
    Directly into…
    12 Single Ring – Ring Rows*
    24 Wall Ball Shots (20/14, 10′)
  2. For Time w/ Partner – Any way:
    60 Knees-to-Elbows
    60/40 Calorie Row

*Complete the BUY IN any way. One person will complete one full round while the other rests, switching back and forth in the remaining time, in the AMRAP that follows the BUY IN. Feet set with heels on blue matting, bottom of ring at sternum height.


  1. 14 Minute AMRAP w/ Partner:*
    BUY IN: 6 x Rope Climbs 10′
    12 Single Ring – Ring Rows*
    24 Wall Ball Shots (14/12, 9′)
  2. For Time w/ Partner – Any way:
    60 Knees-to-Triceps
    60/40 Calorie Row


  1. 14 Minute AMRAP w/ Partner:*
    BUY IN: 6 x Standing-to-Supine-to-Standing Rope Climb
    6 Single Ring – Ring Rows*
    12 Wall Ball Shots (20/14, 9′)
  2. For Time w/ Partner – Any way:
    40 Tuck-Ups
    40/30 Calorie Row