Drop Ins MUST RESERVE A CLASS prior to arrival. Please do not show up for a class you have not reserved!

Friday 12/30 WOD


  1. E4OM x 16 Minutes – Building to moderately tough load @ 20X2.*
    Back Squat x 8 reps

  2. 3 x 3 Minute AMRAPs For Total TTB:
    30 Wall Ball Shots (20/14, 10′)
    Max Rep Toes-to-Bar in remaining time OR Max Calorie Row in remaining time.*
    Rest 1 minute between sets.

    *Your choice today.

*Tempo rx: Start by standing tall for :2s, lower down with control for :2s, no pause in bottom, stand fast.


  1. E4OM x 16 Minutes – Building to moderately tough load @ 20X2.*
    Back Squat x 8 reps

  2. 3 x 3 Minute AMRAPs For Total Knees-to-Chest:
    30 Wall Ball Shots (20/14, 9′)
    Max Rep Knees-to-Chest in remaining time OR Max Calorie Row in remaining time.*
    Rest 1 minute between sets.

    *Your choice today.


  1. E4OM x 16 Minutes – Light to moderate load across @ 20X2.*
    Back Squat x 8 reps

  2. 3 x 3 Minute AMRAPs For Total Hanging Knee Raise:
    25 Wall Ball Shots (14/12, 9′)
    Max Rep Hanging Knee Raise in remaining time OR Max Calorie Row in remaining time.*
    Rest 1 minute between sets.

    *Your choice.