Monday 9/19 WOD


  1. E2OM x 10 Minutes – Moderate load across FOR QUALITY:
    1 Hang Power Clean
    1 Power Clean
    1 Clean
    1 Jerk
  2. 5 Rounds For Time:*
    5 Shoulder-to-Overhead (165/115)
    10 Burpees Over Barbell

*AKA: “Freddy’s Revenge” – Adjust to (185/135) and regular burpees if you’re up for an RX challenge today! If so, perform your STOH from the rack at this load. Otherwise, from the floor. 🙂


  1. E2OM x 10 Minutes – Moderate load across FOR QUALITY:
    1 Hang Power Clean
    1 Power Clean
    1 Power Clean & Front Squat
    1 Jerk
  2. 5 Rounds For Time:*
    5 Shoulder-to-Overhead (115/80)
    10 Burpees Over Barbell


  1. E2OM x 10 Minutes – Light to moderate load across FOR QUALITY:
    2 Hang Power Cleans
    1 Hang Power Clean & Front Squat
    1 Jerk
  2. 5 Rounds For Time:*
    5 Shoulder-to-Overhead (75/55)
    10 Burpees Over Barbell