Drop Ins MUST RESERVE A CLASS prior to arrival. Please do not show up for a class you have not reserved!

Saturday 12/3 WOD

9am Community Class

  1. 4×3 Minute AMRAPs w/ Partner:*
    21/16 Calorie Row
    15 x 10m Shuttle Run
    Max Strict Pull-Ups
    Rest 3 minutes between AMRAPs.
  2. 3 Sets For QUALITY:
    :30s Hollow Body Rock, :30s Rest

*One person works for 3 minutes while the other rests. Post your total pull-up reps combined.


  1. 4×3 Minute AMRAPs w/ Partner:*
    21/16 Calorie Row
    15 x 10m Shuttle Run
    Max Strict Pull-Ups (Band assisted as needed)
    Rest 3 minutes between AMRAPs.
  2. 3 Sets For QUALITY:
    :30s Hollow Body Rock, :30s Rest


  1. 4×3 Minute AMRAPs w/ Partner:*
    16/12 Calorie Row
    12 x 10m Shuttle Run
    Max Strict Pull-Ups (Band assisted as needed)
    Rest 3 minutes between AMRAPs.
  2. 3 Sets For QUALITY:
    :30s Hollow Body Rock, :30s Rest