Drop Ins MUST RESERVE A CLASS prior to arrival. Please do not show up for a class you have not reserved!

Thursday 10/13 WOD


  1. E80M x 24 Minutes (3 Sets):*
    Run 800m
    50 Double-Unders
    25 Toes-to-Bar
  2. Teams of 3, 6 Minute AMRAP:
    Max Calorie Ski

*Your score is your slowest round.


  1. E80M x 24 Minutes (3 Sets):*
    Run 800m
    50 Single-Single Double-Unders
    25 Knees-to-Chest
  2. Teams of 3, 6 Minute AMRAP:
    Max Calorie Ski


  1. E80M x 24 Minutes (3 Sets):*
    Run 600m
    100 Single-Unders
    15 Hanging Knee Raise
  2. Teams of 3, 6 Minute AMRAP:
    Max Calorie Ski