Drop Ins MUST RESERVE A CLASS prior to arrival. Please do not show up for a class you have not reserved!

Thursday 12/29 WOD


  1. E20M x 8 Minutes:
    BUY IN: 14/12 Calorie Row
    7-9 Strict Handstand Push-Ups

  2. 3 Rounds For Time w/ Partner (50/35lbs):*
    200 Double-Unders
    40 Dual Dumbbell Push Presses
    100′ Dual Dumbbell Walking Lunge (25′ out, 25′ back x 2)

*Break up the work any way so long as exercises are performed in order.


  1. E20M x 8 Minutes:
    BUY IN: 14/12 Calorie Row
    7-9 Strict Handstand Push-Ups (To abmat or toes on box variation as needed)

  2. 3 Rounds For Time w/ Partner (35/20lbs):*
    200 Single-Unders
    40 Dual Dumbbell Push Presses
    100′ Dual Dumbbell Walking Lunge (25′ out, 25′ back x 2)


  1. E20M x 8 Minutes:
    BUY IN: 12/10 Calorie Row
    7-9 Push-Ups (Band assisted or knee on box variation as needed)

  2. 3 Rounds For Time w/ Partner (20/10lbs):*
    200 Single-Unders
    40 Dual Dumbbell Push Presses
    50′ Dual Dumbbell Walking Lunge (25′ out, 25′ back x 1)