Drop Ins MUST RESERVE A CLASS prior to arrival. Please do not show up for a class you have not reserved!

Tuesday 12/6 WOD


  1. 3 Rounds For Time:*
    1000m Row
    10 Box Jumps (30/24″)
    10 Archer Ring Push-Ups (5/side)

  2. 2 Sets For Quality w/ Partner:
    15-20 Weighted Floor Press – Light!
    15-20 Weighted Anchored Sit-Ups – Light!
    1 Person works while the other rests.


  1. 3 Rounds For Time:*
    1000m Row
    10 Box Jumps (24/20″)
    10 Ring Push-Ups

  2. 2-3 Sets For Quality w/ Partner:
    15-20 Weighted Floor Press – Light!
    15-20 Weighted Anchored Sit-Ups – Light!
    1 Person works while the other rests.


  1. 3 Rounds For Time:*
    750m Row
    10 Box Jumps (20/16″)
    10 Rolling Push-Ups

  2. 2-3 Sets For Quality w/ Partner:
    15-20 Weighted Floor Press – Light!
    15-20 Anchored Sit-Ups – Light! (Unweighted)
    1 Person works while the other rests.