Wednesday 1/11 WOD

ANNOUNCEMENT: We have migrated softwares and this will be the final week of programming on our website. Please login to Kilo to access our daily workouts! 😊


  1. From 0:00-10:00:
    Weighted Strict Pull-Up – Building to heavy set of 5-3-1.
    From 10:00-12:00:
    Max Rep Consecutive Kipping Pull-Ups*
  2. “The Joker” – For Time:
    1 Toes-to-Bar
    10 Deadlifts (225/155)
    2 Toes-to-Bar
    9 Deadlifts
    3 Toes-to-Bar
    8 Deadlifts
    4 Toes-to-Bar
    7 Deadlifts
    5 Toes-to-Bar
    6 Deadlifts
    6 Toes-to-Bar
    5 Deadlifts
    7 Toes-to-Bar
    4 Deadlifts
    8 Toes-to-Bar
    3 Deadlifts
    9 Toes-to-Bar
    2 Deadlifts
    10 Toes-to-Bar
    1 Deadlifts

*1 attempt.


  1. From 0:00-10:00:
    Strict Pull-Up – 3 x Near Max Reps (Leave 2-3 in the tank and use a band as needed).
    From 10:00-12:00:
    2 Minute Max Rep Kipping Pull-Ups* (Band assisted as needed)
  2. “The Joker” – For Time:
    1 Knees-to-Chest
    10 Deadlifts (185/135)
    2 Knees-to-Chest
    9 Deadlifts
    3 Knees-to-Chest
    8 Deadlifts
    4 Knees-to-Chest
    7 Deadlifts
    5 Knees-to-Chest
    6 Deadlifts
    6 Knees-to-Chest
    5 Deadlifts
    7 Knees-to-Chest
    4 Deadlifts
    8 Knees-to-Chest
    3 Deadlifts
    9 Knees-to-Chest
    2 Deadlifts
    10 Knees-to-Chest
    1 Deadlifts


  1. From 0:00-10:00:
    Single Ring Row – 3 x Near Max Reps (Leave 3-5 in the tank, heels on blue mat)
    From 10:00-12:00:
    2 Minute Max Rep Jumping Kipping Pull-Ups*
  2. “The Joker” – For Time:
    1 Hanging Knee Raise
    10 Deadlifts (135/95)
    2 Hanging Knee Raise
    9 Deadlifts
    3 Hanging Knee Raise
    8 Deadlifts
    4 Hanging Knee Raise
    7 Deadlifts
    5 Hanging Knee Raise
    6 Deadlifts
    6 Hanging Knee Raise
    5 Deadlifts
    7 Hanging Knee Raise
    4 Deadlifts
    8 Hanging Knee Raise
    3 Deadlifts
    9 Hanging Knee Raise
    2 Deadlifts
    10 Hanging Knee Raise
    1 Deadlifts