Drop Ins MUST RESERVE A CLASS prior to arrival. Please do not show up for a class you have not reserved!

Wednesday 12/14 WOD


  1. With a 10 Minute Running Clock…
    Weighted Strict Pull-Up – Building to moderate set of 5 reps.
    Rest 2 minutes between sets.

  2. 15 Minute AMRAP:
    1 Mile Run
    50 Power Snatch (95/65)
    Max Rep Burpee Pull-Ups


  1. With a 10 Minute Running Clock…
    Tempo Strict Pull-Up – 3 sets x 5-10 reps – Slow and controlled on descent (Band assisted as needed).
    Rest 2 minutes between sets.

  2. 15 Minute AMRAP:
    1 Mile Run
    50 Power Snatch (75/55)
    Max Rep Burpee Bent Arm Pull-Ups


  1. With a 10 Minute Running Clock…
    Tempo Single Ring Row – 3 sets x 5-10 reps – Slow and controlled.
    Rest 2 minutes between sets.

  2. 15 Minute AMRAP:
    800m Run
    30 Hang Power Snatch (55/35)
    Max Rep Burpee to 6″ Target