Friday 10/21 WOD


  1. EMOM x 10 Minutes:
    Minutes 0, 2, 4, 6, 8: Deadlift x 3 – Building to heavy triple.
    Minutes 1, 3, 5, 7, 9: 3 Wall Walks + :5s Hold on final rep.
  2. 5 Rounds For Time:*
    3 Deadlifts
    9 Wall Ball Shots (20/14, 10′)
    12/9 Calorie Row

*Use 70% of what you deadlifted on part 1 for part 2.

**If you plan to compete at the Monster Mash this Saturday, we recommend active recovery instead of the WOD today. Hit 30-60 minutes of EASY blood flow work – Row, bike, jog, ski, hike, swim or mix them up any way you like.


  1. EMOM x 10 Minutes:
    Minutes 0, 2, 4, 6, 8: Deadlift x 3 – Building to heavy triple.
    Minutes 1, 3, 5, 7, 9: 2-3 Wall Walks + :5s Hold on final rep.
  2. 5 Rounds For Time:*
    3 Deadlifts
    9 Wall Ball Shots (20/14, 9′)
    12/9 Calorie Row


  1. EMOM x 10 Minutes:
    Minutes 0, 2, 4, 6, 8: Deadlift x 3 – Building to heavy triple.
    Minutes 1, 3, 5, 7, 9: 2-3 Wall Walks + :5s Hold on final rep.
  2. 5 Rounds For Time:*
    3 Deadlifts
    9 Wall Ball Shots (14/12, 9′)
    9/6 Calorie Row