Thursday 1/5 WOD

2×10 Minute AMRAPS:*
BUY IN: 800m Run
12 Dual Dumbbell Push-Up Renegade Rows (50/35lbs, 6/side)
12 x 10m Shuttle
Rest 5 Minutes between AMRAPs. Pick up where you left off.

*Post your total rounds + reps combined to the whiteboard.

2×10 Minute AMRAPS:*
BUY IN: 800m Run
12 Dual Dumbbell Push-Up Renegade Rows (35/20lbs, 6/side)
12 x 10m Shuttle
Rest 5 Minutes between AMRAPs. Pick up where you left off.

2×10 Minute AMRAPS:*
BUY IN: 600m Run
10 Dual Dumbbell Push-Up Renegade Rows (20/10lbs, 5/side)
10 x 10m Shuttle
Rest 5 Minutes between AMRAPs. Pick up where you left off.