9am Community Class
- “Partner Kinda Karen”
For Time:
150 Wall Ball Shots (20/14, 10′)
Every time you break or switch, stop and run 200m together. - EMOM x 6 Minutes:*
Evens: Max Calorie Row
Odds: Max Rep Abmat Sit-Up
*One person rows while the other performs sit-ups. Switch back and forth for 3 sets each. Post total reps combined.
- “Partner Kinda Karen”
For Time:
150 Wall Ball Shots (20/14, 9′)
Every time you break or switch, stop and run 200m. - EMOM x 6 Minutes:*
Evens: Max Calorie Row
Odds: Max Rep Abmat Sit-Up
- “Partner Kinda Karen”
For Time:
100 Wall Ball Shots (14/12, 9′)
Every time you break or switch, stop and run 150m. - EMOM x 6 Minutes:*
Evens: Max Calorie Row
Odds: Max Rep Abmat Sit-Up
10am Member’s Class
- “Partner Kinda Karen”
For Time:
BUY IN: 100′ Handstand Walk
150 Wall Ball Shots (20/14, 10′)
Every time you break or switch, stop and run 200m together. - EMOM x 6 Minutes:*
Evens: Max Calorie Row
Odds: Max Rep Abmat Sit-Up
*One person rows while the other performs sit-ups. Switch back and forth for 3 sets each.
- “Partner Kinda Karen”
For Time:
BUY IN: 50′ Handstand Walk
150 Wall Ball Shots (20/14, 9′)
Every time you break or switch, stop and run 200m. - EMOM x 6 Minutes:*
Evens: Max Calorie Row
Odds: Max Rep Abmat Sit-Up
- “Partner Kinda Karen”
For Time:
BUY IN: 10 Partial Wall Walks
100 Wall Ball Shots (14/12, 9′)
Every time you break or switch, stop and run 150m. - EMOM x 6 Minutes:*
Evens: Max Calorie Row
Odds: Max Rep Abmat Sit-Up