Drop Ins MUST RESERVE A CLASS prior to arrival. Please do not show up for a class you have not reserved!

Thursday 11/3 WOD


  1. E20M x 6 Minutes For Quality (3 Sets):
    3-7 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
  2. 10 Minute AMRAP:
    1-2-3-4-5… Wall Walks
    2-4-6-8-10… Box Jumps (30/24″)


  1. E20M x 6 Minutes For Quality (3 Sets):
    3-7 Strict Handstand Push-Ups (1 Abmat Target)
  2. 10 Minute AMRAP:
    1-2-3-4-5… Wall Walks
    2-4-6-8-10… Box Jumps/Step-Ups (24/20″)


  1. E20M x 6 Minutes For Quality (3 Sets):
    7-12 Seated Strict Dumbbell Press – Light to moderate load across – Controlled.
  2. 10 Minute AMRAP:
    1-2-3-4-5… Partial Wall Walks
    2-4-6-8-10… Box Jumps/Step-Ups (20/16″)