Drop Ins MUST RESERVE A CLASS prior to arrival. Please do not show up for a class you have not reserved!

Tuesday 12/20 WOD


  1. E20M x 8 Minutes:
    BUY IN: 12/9 Calorie Echo Bike
    5-7 Bar Muscle Ups

  2. 12 Minute AMRAP:
    6 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
    12 Weighted Box-Step-Ups (53/35lbs, 24/20″)
    24 Double-Unders


  1. E20M x 8 Minutes:
    BUY IN: 12/9 Calorie Echo Bike
    5-7 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups (Band assisted or reduce the reps as needed)
  2. 12 Minute AMRAP:
    6 Pull-Ups (Band assisted or reduce the reps as needed)
    12 Weighted Box-Step-Ups (35/26lbs, 24/20″)
    12 Double-Unders


  1. E20M x 8 Minutes:
    BUY IN: 9/6 Calorie Echo Bike
    5-7 Jumping Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups (Adjust to regular jumping pull-ups as needed)
  2. 12 Minute AMRAP:
    6-12 Ring Rows
    12 Weighted Box-Step-Ups (20/10lbs, 20/16″)
    24 Single-Unders